Cheryl Ries

These entries represent prior writings and posts. I have more recent blog entries at!


What's Ahead?!

Posted by Cheryl Ries on Tuesday, July 12, 2011 Under: Cheryl Ries, Blog
There are always turning points in our lives, the places we come to along the journey when we have to veer, make an amended plan or alter our course because we've run out of usable road! It's inevitable! We simply must correct as we go. The difficulty arises when we stalwartly cling to our familiar places, our constant patterns, the things to which we are most familiar. It's not easy to adapt when we are hanging on for dear life to what we don't want to release!

What is is about those turning points that makes us so afraid? Is it the fact that we are in fact changing something, even though we might not be happy with the status quo, that makes us face a different or altered direction? It's just that, we are usually uncomfortable with too much change, as change means doing or being something different. In change, we see the unknown, the uncertain, and the possibility for all sorts of problems. At least that's how we see it when we look at change through eyes of fear or doubt. When we view change as an inevitable and necessary means of growth, personal development and advancing our spiritual maturity, it can become the vehicle for our success!

Turning points are like the curves in the mountain roadway, the only way to the summit is by making the criss-crossing switchback turns which will allow you to manipulate your way to the top! So, without regular turns, your life would soon grow stagnant and ineffectual for your necessary growth! You need those switchbacks to push you out of your comfortable places, forcing you to learn the fine art of adaptation, the ways to patiently deal with variation, and the feeling of accomplishment which comes from slowly winding your way up all the great mountains of your life, one turn after another!
Master the art of change, the skill of flexible adaptation, and you will successfully ascend to all the summits of your success!
The master of turning points will recognize the beauty in the changes which make their life different. Seize the day, take the moment in hand and believe that you have what it takes to make the change work on your behalf! Your ability to alter each step of your journey, whilst negotiating all the hazards of the unknown, will leave you feeling strong and capable, instead of fearful and impotent. You can even capitalize on your faith the most within change! It is when you are most beset with the fear of something new, that you are able to muster your strongest response, overcoming, excelling & pushing past to the next obstacle in your path. It's inevitable, when we are the most under pressure, the most fearful and the worries want to stranglehold our dreams, that we are able to rise up like warriors, certain of our faith and able to wage war against anything which threatens our peace! 

Accept change as the benevolent teacher of great life lessons! That is truly what it is . . and as much as you might not like the sensations you experience with each change, mastering them with confidence can and will make you wear the medal of honor, having faced fear and won!

In : Cheryl Ries, Blog 

Tags: turning points  change  status quo  adaptation  obstacles  confidence 

About Me

Cheryl Ries I'm Cheryl, and this is my own website home. I've been told since I was a child that I was talented at writing, yet I never took it to heart. I floundered about my entire life, wondering what gifts I had to share with the world. Now, at this stage of the game, I've come to realize that I might have had indications from the earliest years. After many years in several different roles, including retail sales and management, modeling, and entrepreneurial activities, I've decided to let my creative energy flow through my virtual pen, onto the screen's page and this site's blog page. Most recently, I've taken my blogging to I'm also in the process of writing, some projects are ready for publication and some have already been published; a few ideas are in various stages of development. Those should be coming to come to fruition very soon! It's an exciting and stimulating time ahead, and this website encourages me to go for it with gusto! So, other than knowing that I'm female, from the desert southwest of the USA and the product of a very stable, happy family life . . . what else would you like to know? More to come on the pages of this website . . . ciao and have a great day!! Cheryl Ries


What's Ahead?!

Posted by Cheryl Ries on Tuesday, July 12, 2011 Under: Cheryl Ries, Blog
There are always turning points in our lives, the places we come to along the journey when we have to veer, make an amended plan or alter our course because we've run out of usable road! It's inevitable! We simply must correct as we go. The difficulty arises when we stalwartly cling to our familiar places, our constant patterns, the things to which we are most familiar. It's not easy to adapt when we are hanging on for dear life to what we don't want to release!

What is is about those turning points that makes us so afraid? Is it the fact that we are in fact changing something, even though we might not be happy with the status quo, that makes us face a different or altered direction? It's just that, we are usually uncomfortable with too much change, as change means doing or being something different. In change, we see the unknown, the uncertain, and the possibility for all sorts of problems. At least that's how we see it when we look at change through eyes of fear or doubt. When we view change as an inevitable and necessary means of growth, personal development and advancing our spiritual maturity, it can become the vehicle for our success!

Turning points are like the curves in the mountain roadway, the only way to the summit is by making the criss-crossing switchback turns which will allow you to manipulate your way to the top! So, without regular turns, your life would soon grow stagnant and ineffectual for your necessary growth! You need those switchbacks to push you out of your comfortable places, forcing you to learn the fine art of adaptation, the ways to patiently deal with variation, and the feeling of accomplishment which comes from slowly winding your way up all the great mountains of your life, one turn after another!
Master the art of change, the skill of flexible adaptation, and you will successfully ascend to all the summits of your success!
The master of turning points will recognize the beauty in the changes which make their life different. Seize the day, take the moment in hand and believe that you have what it takes to make the change work on your behalf! Your ability to alter each step of your journey, whilst negotiating all the hazards of the unknown, will leave you feeling strong and capable, instead of fearful and impotent. You can even capitalize on your faith the most within change! It is when you are most beset with the fear of something new, that you are able to muster your strongest response, overcoming, excelling & pushing past to the next obstacle in your path. It's inevitable, when we are the most under pressure, the most fearful and the worries want to stranglehold our dreams, that we are able to rise up like warriors, certain of our faith and able to wage war against anything which threatens our peace! 

Accept change as the benevolent teacher of great life lessons! That is truly what it is . . and as much as you might not like the sensations you experience with each change, mastering them with confidence can and will make you wear the medal of honor, having faced fear and won!

In : Cheryl Ries, Blog 

Tags: turning points  change  status quo  adaptation  obstacles  confidence 

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